Sage Green Silk

Original price was: $125.00.Current price is: $115.00.

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SKU: WD14 Categories: , ,


Outside Trim

We match the thread color with your outside trim selection for continuity. Your choices are 5/8 inch grosgrain ribbon knotted, 1½ inch grosgrain ribbon knotted, 1½ inch satin ribbon knotted, 1½ inch satin ribbon bowed. We also offer English Gimp or a Tassel in white or Ivory. View Trim Options.


Choose a 3-letter monogram style to enhance the front representing the couple’s initials. There are two ways of doing this; one is bride’s first initial on the left, surname in the middle (bigger) and groom’s first initial on the right. The other way to represent the 3-letter monogram style is to have the bride’s entire name in this order, first initial, surname initial and third would be her middle name. View Monogram Options. Find more details on our Fonts & Monograms Page.

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